Forum for World
Resource Institute, in accordance with Article 7 of the International Interfaith Peace Declaration has developed
a global communication network to facilitate dialogue among leaders
and representatives of the major faith groups, interfaith
organizations, intergovernmental, NGO's, diplomatic contacts, newspaper, radio and television, corporate and community action
organizations in approximately 195 countries.
- 7.9.2002: Interfaith & Peace Groups Urged to Embrace
Solution Oriented Initiatives Silence, in regards to the causative
factors of aggression, combined with threats and counter aggression only
perpetuate the cycle of violence. Temporary fixes overlook the solution
oriented initiatives needed for democracy, religious tolerance, human rights,
women's rights and the pursuit of peace and social justice. See: 2002 UNDP Human Development Report: 2011 statistics
remain relatively unchanged, Horn of Africa Famine, Darfur humanitarian crisis
discussions. Main change $28/barrel pre-911, today, oil at $115/barrel. - CNN: Fareed Zakaria, 9.11.11.
- 10.8.2002: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Nonproliferation
and International Security An overview of current issues, prevention of
NBC security threats, legal issues associated with the war against terrorism
and global peace initiative.