Leadership Development:
Achieving The Impossible
“Only he who can see the invisible can do
the impossible.” – Frank L. Gaines -- Our
Potential Beyond Limitation
Motivational Videos:
Film Arts Integration Into Education through the United Nations Arts Initiative.
campaigning, be swift as the wind; in leisurely march,
majestic as the forest; in attack, like fire; in standing,
as the
As unfathomable as the clouds, move like a thunderbolt to protect the
-- Adapted from Sun Tzu. "The Art of War" - The Ultimate
Stephen M. Apatow,
Founder, Director of Research and Development of the UN NGO
Humanitarian Resource Institute,
kicking back into high gear, following cancer treatment in 2010.
As an artist member of ASCAP and the Country Music Association, he
recorded the soundtrack "The
American Way" (Hearts
& Minds Compilation)," 3
weeks into chemotherapy/radiation. -- uNeverGiveUp Cancer Education
and Advocacy Initiative. |
Stephen Michael Apatow
Athlete (Cycling-Running), Olympic Development Athlete Cross Country
Skiing/Rowing, Biomechanics Specialist,
Mixed Martial Arts and Strength Coach, Humanitarian, CMA/ASCAP Artist,
Cancer Survivor, Private Military Security Contractor.
As an athlete, coach of arts,
sports and Olympic development
programs, the focus was to share specialized training, normally
available to a privileged few, with a
broader spectrum of youth across America. This led to
development of two national youth leadership and
community service
projects that reached hundreds of cities across the United States, the
first for
substance abuse in 1990, in cooperation with the National Clearinghouse
for Drug and Alcohol Information (today CSAP), and the second for
hunger, homelessness and poverty in 1993, in cooperation with the U.S.
House Select
Committee on Hunger and twenty national organizations.
Cycle Across America:
National Substance Abuse
Campaign coordinated in cooperation with the National Clearinghouse
Drug and Alcohol Information, with John Milton Wesley, Media and Public
Relations Specialist, liaison to Louis Sullivan, U.S. Secretary
of Health and Human Services.
6000 mile double continental crossing, in 60 days, through 270 cities.
-- Daily youth and community talks, media interviews press
conferences to
open the first toll free hotline (1-800-SAY-NO-TO-DRUGS or
1-800-729-6686) that provided access to free print materials and
audiovisual loan programs through the federal resource for alcohol and
drug information.
The largest touch outreach ever coordinated through the Office for
Substance Abuse Prevention.
Education/Prevention Resource Campaign
- Strategic
planning of pilot project coordinated in cooperation with the New York
State Division of Substance Abuse Services to develop "Guidelines for
dissemination of Substance Abuse Information and Materials."
- The
guideline was developed to help programs effectively network public
information down to the household level through multiple communication
pathways that already exist in communities.
1993: Run Across America: Campaign
for Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty coordinated in cooperation
the U.S. House Select Committee on Hunger and 20 national organizations
that included the Tufts University, Center on Hunger,
Poverty and Nutrition Policy, coordinating body for the Medford
Declaration to End Hunger in the United States.
-- A 3000 mile run, 12-25 miles per day, from Washington, DC to San
Francisco, California.
-- Initiatives
in 133 cities that included scheduled youth and community talks, media
interviews to
spotlight unmet needs of frontline programs across the United States.
Responding to the
Unmet Needs
In 1994, the cross section of unmet needs defined across the United
States, led
to the formation of the nonprofit organization Humanitarian Resource
Institute, with a mission focus to "Bridge Unmet Needs to
Untapped Resources" through advocacy and policy development. In 1999, HRI
initiated the formation of the International Disaster
Information Network in
cooperation with the FEMA
Preparedness, Exercises & Training Directorate, building upon the
foundation established by the U.S. State
Department for a Global Disaster Information Network (GDIN)
the early 90's. This network was used to support
global infrastructure analysis and contingency planning for the
year 2000 conversion (Y2K). This expanded HRI's reach from
the city/county level in the United States (in cooperation with
the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program - EFSP) to the intergovernmental,
non-governmental, UN, community action, interfaith organizations and
media in 193 UN member countries. The focus was to
enhance strategic
planning, critical analysis, expert think tank development for
background discussions, peer reviewed data compilation and
communications that today engages decision makers and target audiences.
In 2002, the Humanitarian University Consortium (ProMED:ISID: Announcements
2003 (08): Humanitarian Univ. Consort.) was founded to
support the development of initiatives associated with economic,
social, cultural and humanitarian issues worldwide. Our mission
is to serve as (1) an
international community of scholars, (2) a bridge between Humanitarian
Institute and the international academic community, (3) a think tank in
support of the United Nations programs and (4) the promotion of higher
through both traditional and distance education.
As an
artist, publisher with American Society of Composers, Authors and
Publishers (ASCAP), founder/director
of the International
Development Program, efforts to better reach the
grassroots household level led to the promotion of "Arts
Integration Into Education" through the HRI: United
Nations Arts Initiative. The mission, utilizing artists,
have the innovation, creativity and a connection with the grassroots
as a
bridge, to lead U.S. and international humanitarian relief efforts and
policy development.
In 2010, the
Humanitarian Intervention Initiative (H-II) was established to support
strategic planning, development and stabilization of humanitarian
emergencies that were beyond the operational capacities of the United
Nations, non-governmental and relief organizations. In 2011, this led
to training as an Anti-Terrorism Officer (L-3 S2 Institute), and
advanced studies through the NATO Joint Advanced Distributed Learning
(JADL) and SOF Training & Education Programme (NSTEP).
Today, optimization
of defense logistics and resource capabilities for humanitarian
operations is coordinated through H-II OPSEC Defense &
Security Consulting.
Consultancy Umbrellas
For additional
information regarding speaking engagements or educational programs,
Stephen M. Apatow
Director of Research & Development
Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
Humanitarian University
Consortium Graduate Studies
for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law