
27 July 2013 - Last Updated 29 July 2013.

Contact: Stephen M. Apatow
Founder, Director of Research & Development
Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies
Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law
Phone: 203-668-0282
Email: s.m.apatow@humanitarian.net
Internet: www.humanitarian.net

Url: www.H-II.org

Counterterrorism Shapes Humanitarian Operations

The growing body of counter-terrorism legislation is having a direct impact on humanitarian action, restricting funding, stalling project implementation, and resulting in an increased climate of self-censorship by aid workers, according to a new, independent study. --  Counter-terrorism laws can hurt humanitarian action: IRIN, 22 July 2013.

Background Discussions:  Notes


Note forwarded from security professional: "Breathtaking UN bias here. The gist of it is, therefore that we musn't stipulate that donor funds dont find their way into the pockets of terrorists???"

Response: Absolutely Not !!! It's time for us to sort through the issues and help UN, NGO and Relief organizations learn how to live in the real world... The Syria's, Darfur's, Rwanda's, Bosnia's.

It's one thing to run a hospital or refugee camp and another to operate in a zero security environment where the populations are being subject to genocide all around you. Full containment of these security challenges, is my objective as the CEO of a UN NGO.

Expanding education initiatives associated with the Global War on Terrorism: National Counterterrorism Center: Terrorist Groups: http://www.nctc.gov/site/groups/index.html


If a complex emergency is beyond the capabilities of the UN, NGOs and relief organizations, then we need a defense lead to assist strategic planning as in SSTR operations in "A Comprehensive Approach" framework: http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_51633.htm

This includes vetting and support for a social science based research and analysis capability to support operationally relevant decision-making and enable sociocultural understanding across the operational environment. http://humanterrainsystem.army.mil


Yesterday, I discussed the norm of political and logistical confusion associated with UN, NGO's and Relief orgs in humanitarian operations across the globe. It is time for demographic analysis of the needs spectrum (by country), players operating in each demographic, effectiveness of current operations and unmet needs... Redefining Global Security Support through a defense level lead and "A Comprehensive Approach" framework, in the Global War on Terrorism.


The global security support focus is counterterrorism/counterinsurgency specific, the terrorist - organized crime interlinkage (narco-terrorism, human trafficking, etc.), terrorist financing, and WMD transfer (for coordinated global attacks) changes the game as to who is involved. Stabilization, Security, Transition and Recovery (SSTR) operations is another evolving dimension.  Putting Out Fires Before They Spread: The US's Role in Preventing Conflicts. I think addressing corruption at all levels (intergovernmental, law enforcement, security, UN, NGOs and relief organizations) is a focus that needs to be prioritized for operational success.

Great to see UNDP following and focusing related discussions, they posted the following this morning..... "Did you know $1,000 billion ($1 Trillion) are paid in bribes per year?"  Learn how we tackle the global menace of corruption. -- Anti-Corruption: UNDP. Url:  http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/democraticgovernance/focus_areas/focus_anti-corruption/


Yes, insufficient defense/security capability, demonstrated by the massive attack to free senior members held in Iraqi prisons, has started a new trend throughout the region and continental Africa .

"Saturday's jail break came as hundreds of protesters attacked the Benghazi and Tripoli offices of Libya's Muslim Brotherhood... Armed violence and lawlessness, caused in part by militia groups who often do as they please, has hobbled governance in wide areas of the oil-producing North African state. -- Some 100 prisoners recaptured out of 1,100 in Libyan jail break:" -  Reuters UK, 28 July 2013. Url: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/07/28/uk-libya-prison-benghazi-idUKBRE96R05G20130728

"Interpol issues a global alert after jailbreaks in Iraq" - UPI, 24 July 2013. Url: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2013/07/24/Interpol-issues-global-alert-after-jailbreaks-in-Iraq/UPI-51281374695964/

NATO is calling for countries to begin "Preparing first responders for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents: 24 July 2013. Url: http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_102329.htm "

Crisis response is not a strategic plan. - HRI:H-II OPSEC

Syria: Iran - Hezbollah - Al Qaeda Counterinsurgency Crisis Spiral: HRI:H-II OPSEC, Url; http://h-ii.org/ref/512013GTL.html

Bi-monthly Report – Jihadi Forums: IHLS, 29 July 2013. PDF: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5a4j3dSZtwmWGo5M3lvSFlPZkk/edit?pli=1




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