
The following information overview encompasses the type of data that was researched, updated and networked throughout 1999 to Intergovernmental and Corporate Information Officers, grass roots community action programs and media networks in approximately 195 countries to assist contingency planning for the Year 2000 Conversion. Humanitarian Resource Institute served as the leader in this initiative in cooperation with the International Y2K Cooperation Center, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem and the President's Council on Y2K.  The positive response of the international community to these initiatives has been attributed to the successful Year 2000 Conversion.
Global Infrastructure Analysis & Contingency Planning
Year 2000 Conversion

Prepared by: 

Stephen M. Apatow
Founder, Director of Research & Development
Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies
Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law
Phone: 203-668-0282
Email: s.m.apatow@humanitarian.net
Internet: www.humanitarian.net

International Disaster Information Network
Url: www.humanitarian.net/idin

The compilation of accurate data and calculations for risk analysis proved crucial to resource allocation, international support and planning for a successful Year 2000 Conversion.  The following information overview, projections and country contacts are an example of materials networked worldwide in conjunction with educational resources.

First-tier (15% Predictions of Infrastructure Failure )
Reference: Gartner U.S. Senate Testimony Year 2000 International State of Readiness
U.S. Dept. of Commerce: International Trade Administration - Export Ranking Statistics from April 1999 Report
Y2K Websites & National Coordinators:  IY2KCC & World Bank

#9  Natural Gas  9,783  Mm  1.8%
#1  Hard Coal  146 Mt  29.6%
#6 Internet Hosts: 665
#15 Teledensity
#21 Total World Exports
#29 Airport: Cargo Transport

National Y2K Coordinator:

Australia (http://www.ogit.gov.au/year2000/)
Susan Page
Chief Manager, Year 2000 Project Office
PO Box 2154, Canberra City Act 2601
Phone #: 61-2-6271-1533
Fax #: 61-2-6271-1616

#9 Busiest Seaport
#23 Internet Hosts: 106
#21 Teledensity
#11 Total World Exports
#27 Airport: Cargo Transport
Enterprises 800 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

Belgium (http://www.y2000.fgov.be)
Roland Van Den Eynde
Attaché to the cabinet of the Prime Minister
Wetstraat 16 B-1000 Brussels
Phone #: 32/2-501-0443
Fax #: 32/2-465-5614


#2 Natural Gas  80,117 Mm  14.9%
#5 Hard Coal  37 Mt  7.5%
#5 Internet Hosts: 839
#5 Teledensity
#7 Total World Exports
Enterprises: 921 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

Canada (http://www.info2000.gc.ca)
Guy Mc Kenzie
Assistant Secretary, Year 2000 Project Office
L'Esplanade Laurier, 140 O'Connor, 10th Floor
Phone #: (613) 957-8673
Fax #: (613) 946-9890

SOS 2000: Publication Date - 1999-07-07:  "A Call For Action: The Eleventh Hour." 

#28 Total World Exports
#16 Internet Hosts:  169
#4 Teledensity
Enterprises 230 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

Denmark (http://www.fsk.dk/fsk/div/aar-2000/year2000.html )
Poul Bernt Jensen
IT Manager
Bredgade 43 DK-1260 Kobenhavn
Phone #: 45-33-92-98-86
Fax #: 45-33-93-80-12


#8 Total World Exports
#3  Natural Gas  48,823 Mm  9.1%
#4 Busiest Seaport
#11 Busiest Airport (People)
#14 Busiest Airport (Cargo)
#8 Internet Hosts: 391
#12 Teledensity
Enterprises 530 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.6
# 11 Top 25 Banks

National Y2K Coordinator:

Netherlands ( http://www.mp2000.nl )
Peter Hagedoorn
Koninginnegracht 63 2514 AA The Hague THE NETHERLANDS
Phone #: 212-697-5547 or 31703110922
Fax #: 212-370-1954 or 31703110920

#27 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Ireland (http://www.irlgov.ie/y2k)
Tim Duggan
Phone #: 3531 6767571
Fax #: 353-1-6682182

#41 Total World Exports
#22 Teledensity

National Y2K Coordinator:
Rafi Peled, Chairman

#19 Total World Exports
#14 Internet Hosts: 189
#2 Teledensity
Enterprises 245 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.6
#4,13,25  Top 25 Banks

National Y2K Coordinator:

Switzerland (http://www.millennium.ch)
Dr. Felix Hunziker
Deputy Delegate Year 2000, Switzerland
Sonneggstrasse 21, CH-8006 Zürich
Phone #: +41 1 260 1999
Fax #: +41 1 260 26 38

#17 Total World Exports
#10 Internet Hosts: 348
#1 Teledensity
Enterprises 285 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.7

National Y2K Coordinator:

Sweden (http://www.2000-delegationen.gov.se )
Per-Erik Lundh
Head of secretariat,
The Millennium Commission, Ministry of Industry, Hantverkargatan 25 B, S-103 33 Stockholm
Phone #: 46-8-4052513
Fax #: 46-8-4052818

#8 Crude Oil  81 Mt  4.7%
#15 Busiest Seaport
#4 Internet Hosts:  987
#14 Teledensity
Enterprises 3,760 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

United Kingdom (http://www.open.gov.uk/year2000)
Mandy Mayer
Head of Year 2000 Team
Cabinet Office Horse Guards London SW1P 3AL UNITED KINGDOM
Phone #: (44) 171-238-2342
Fax #: (44) 171-238-2329

#2  Hard Coal  79 Mt  16.0%
#6 Busiest Seaport:  Long Beach
#8 Busiest Seaport: Los Angeles
#12 Busiest Seaport: NY/NJ 
#24 Busiest Seaport: Oakland
#26 Busiest Seaport: Seattle
#28 Busiest Seaport: Hampton Roads
#1 Internet Hosts: 15, 340
#3 Teledensity
Enterprises 4,611 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.7

National Y2K Coordinator:

United States (http://www.y2k.gov)
John A. Koskinen
Old Executive Office Building, Room 115, Washington, D.C. 20502
Phone #: 202-456-7171
Fax #: 202-546-7172

Second-tier (33% Predictions of Infrastructure Failure)
Reference: Gartner U.S. Senate Testimony Year 2000 International State of Readiness


#26 Total World Exports
#20 Internet Hosts: 117

National Y2K Coordinator:

Brazil (http://www.a2000.gov.br)
Marcos Ozorio de Almeida
Secretário Executivo Adjunto
Esplanada dos Ministério, Bloco "C", 3º Andar, Sala 300, Brasília, DF, CEP 70.046-900
Phone #: 55/61-228-4789/313-1113/915-1061
Fax #: 55/61-322-3632/332-5063

#45 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Chile (http://www.a2000.cl/)
German Quintana
 National Y2K Coordinator
Ahumada 48, 10th floor Santiago
Phone #: 56-2-6751710
Fax #: 56-2-6721879

#30 Total World Exports
#7 Internet Hosts: 486
#10 Teledensity
Enterprises 205 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

Finland (http://www.vn.fi/vm/kehittaminen/tietohallinto/hko33.htm)
Olavi Kongas
Chief Information Officer
P.O. Box 286 FIN-00171 Helsinki FINLAND
Phone #: 358-9-160-3255
Fax #: 358-9-160-3229

http://www.vn.fi/vm/kehittaminen/tietohallinto/summary.htm   "Summary of Efforts to Solve the Year 2000 Computing Problems Within  Different Sectors in Finland " . This report will be updated by the end of October.

#4 Total World Exports
#9,29 Busiest Airports (People)
#16 Airport: (Cargo)
#9 Internet Hosts: 355
#8 Teledensity
Enterprises: 2,085 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8
#7,8,20 Top 25 Banks

National Y2K Coordinator:

France (http://www.an2000.gouv.fr )
Roland Stutzman
Responsable Groupe Interministeriel 2000
20 Avenue De Segur 75353 Paris 07 SP
Phone #: 0143191653
Fax #: 0143191771

#2 Total World Export
#7 Busiest Airport (People)
#7 Busiest Airport (Cargo)
#7 Busiest Seaport: Hamburg
#19 Busiest Seaport: Bremerhaven
#3 Internet Hosts: 1,132
#13 Teledensity
Enterprises 3,440 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.6
#2,17,21 Top 25 Banks

National Y2K Coordinator:

Germany (http://www.bmwi-info2000.de/baust_engl.htm)
Michael Leibrandt
National Expert/ Deputy National Coordinator
Villemombler Str. 76 53123 Bonn GERMANY
Phone #: 49-228-615-2749
Fax #: 49-228-615-3785

#17 Teledensity
580:  Percent of SME's: 99.9

National Y2K Coordinator:

Al Sideridis
President of the Y2K Task Force
15 Vassilissis Sofias St., 10674 Athens, GREECE
Phone #: 30-1-339-3542
Fax #: 30-1-339-3290

#42 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Hungary (http://www.y2k.gov.hu)
Imre Mojzes
Government commissionaire, National Representative
H-1055 Budapest, Kossuth tér 4.
Phone #: 36-1-2683588
Fax #: 36-1-2683322

#7 Teledensity
25:  Percent of SME's: 99.9

National Y2K Coordinator:

Iceland (http://2000.stjr.is)
Haukur Ingibergsson
Chairman of Y2K Committee of Iceland Director General, Ministry of Finance
Ministry og Finance, Arnarhvoll, 150 Reykjavik, ICELAND
Phone #: 354-560-9200, 354-895-6100
Fax #: 354-552-8280

#6 Total World Exports
#27 Busiest Seaport
#26 Busiest Airports (People)
#12 Internet Hosts: 254
#23 Teledensity
Enterprises 3,345 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.9

National Y2K Coordinator:

Italy (http://www.comitatoanno2000.it)
Antonello Busetto
 Secreteria Tecnica Del Ministro
via Molise, 2- 00187 Roma, Italy
Phone #: 39/6-47887753
Fax #: 39/6-47052244

#3 Total World Exports
# 13 Busiest Seaport: Tokyo
# 14 Busiest Seaport: Yokohama
# 17 Busiest Seaport: Kobe
#25 Busiest Seaport: Nagoya
#30 Busiest Seaport: Osaka
#6 Busiest Airport (People)
#5,23,26 Busiest Airport (Cargo)
#2 Internet Hosts: 1,168
#19 Teledensity
Enterprises 6,530 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.1 (1994)
#1,6,9,10,12,14,16,19 Top 25 Banks

National Y2K Coordinator:

Japan (http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/y2k/index.html)
Hiroharu Koike, Ambassador

#15 Total World Exports
#9 Crude Oil  79 Mt  4.6
Enterprises 123 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 98.2

National Y2K Coordinator:

Mexico (http://www.y2k.gob.mx)
Carlos Jarque
President of the INEGI and of the National Conversion Commission
Av. Patriotismo 711-P.H. Col Mixcoac C.P. 03910 MEXICO D.F.
Phone #: 598-8241, 598-8345
Fax #: 598-7876

New Zealand
#47 Total World Exports
#17 Internet Hosts: 169
#18 Teledensity

National Y2K Coordinator:

New Zealand (http://www.y2k.govt.nz)
Clare Pinder
Y2K Readiness Commission Director
Level 2, 22 The Terrace, PO Box 2660, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone #: + 64 4 474 2601
Fax #: +64 4 474 2862

#29 Total World Exports
#2 Crude Oil  142 Mt  8.2%
#5  Natural Gas  37,922 Mm  7.1%
#11 Internet Hosts: 292
#9 Teledensity
Enterprises 185 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8

National Y2K Coordinator:

Norway (http://www.aksjon2000.org )
Jan Fredrik Lockert
Deputy Director General
P.O.Box 8014 Dep N-0030 Oslo, Norway
Phone #: 47 22 24 66 15
Fax #: 47 22 24 03 15



#13 Total World Exports
#2 Busiest Seaport
#13 Busiest Airports (Cargo)
#16 Teledensity
Enterprises 85 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 91.4 (1991)

National Y2K Coordinator:

Singapore (http://www.ncb.gov.sg/ncb/yr2000)
Chong-Lim Sor Lin
Director, Services & Projects
71 Science Park Drive, NCB Building, Singapore 118253
Phone #: (65) 7720577
Fax #: (65) 7790519

South Korea
#12 Total World Exports
#5 Busiest Seaport
#20 Busiest Airports (People)
#9 Busiest Airports (Cargo)
#19 Internet Hosts
#24 Teledensity
Enterprises 2,118 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.8 (1992)

National Y2K Coordinator:

#16 Total World Exports
#23 Busiest Seaport
#28 Busiest Airport (People)
#13 Internet Hosts: 196
Enterprises 2,335 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.9

National Y2K Coordinator:

Spain (http://www.map.es/csi/2000.htm)
Jorge Barallat
Ministerio de Administraciones Publicas
c/ Maria deMolina 50, 3a planta 28071 Madrid
Phone #: 34-91-5861903
Fax #: 34-91-5861920

#14 Total World Exports
#3 Busiest Seaport: Kaohsiung
#16 Busiest Seaport: Keelung
#18 Busiest Airports (Cargo)
#15 Internet Hosts: 176
#20 Teledensity
Enterprises: 901 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 96.8 (1992)

National Y2K Coordinator:

#22 Total World Exports
#30 Busiest Airport (People)
#24 Busiest Airport (Cargo)
Enterprises 64 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 98.6 (1991)

National Y2K Coordinator:

Thailand (http://y2k.nectec.or.th)
Lamubol Kwanchai
Assistant Director
NECTEC Rama 6, + Rajthevi Bangkok-10400 THAILAND
Phone #: 662-644-8115
Fax #: 662-644-8137

Third-tier (50% Predictions of Infrastructure Failure)
Reference: Gartner U.S. Senate Testimony Year 2000 International State of Readiness


#36 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Argentina (http://www.sfp.gov.ar/2000/2000.html)
Juan Franchino
Subsecretario de Gestión del Sector Público
ave Roque Saenz Peña, 511 P8 - Capital Federal, Republica Argentina
Phone #: 54 11 4342-5087
Fax #: 54/11-4331-3786-5087


#22 Internet Hosts: 108
Enterprises:  220 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.4
#23 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Austria (http://www.wifi.at/tub/2000/ )
Christian Dosek
Wiedner Hauptstrase 63, A-1045 Vienna Postbox130
Phone #: 431-50105-3019
Fax #: 431-50206-253


#8  Hard Coal  26 Mt  5.3%
#49 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

Colombia (http://www.2000.gov.co)
María Isabel Mejía Jaramillo
Coordinadora Proyecto Año 2000 Colombia
Calle 26 #13-19 Piso 36, Bogotá, Colombia
Phone #: (571) 336 16 00 Ext2750
Fax #: (571) 282 56 82

Czech Republic
#40 Total World Exports
#10  Hard Coal  7 Mt  1.4%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Domincan Republic



#31 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

India (http://www.y2k.gov.in)
Dr. S.K. Jain
Technical Director
Training Division, A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003, India
Phone #: 91-11-4361576
Fax #: 91-11-4466165



#10  Crude Oil  64 Mt  3.7%

National Y2K Coordinator:

#18 Total World Exports
#8  Natural Gas  18, 137  Mm  3.4%
#21 Busiest Seaport
Enterprises 28 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 92.6 (1988)

National Y2K Coordinator:

Malaysia (http://www.y2k.gov.my)
Asiah Ahmad
Principal National Y2K Coordinator
1st Floor Wisma Damansara, Jalan Semantan, 50668 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Phone #: +60 3 2575016
Fax #: +60-3-2525469

North Korea

#34 Total World Exports
#7 Hard Coal  29 Mt  5.9%
#24 Internet Hosts: 88

National Y2K Coordinator:

Mr. Leszek Burzynski
Deputy Minister
Phone #: (4822) 825 39 03
Fax #: 825 86 59

Puerto Rico
#18 Busiest Seaport 

National Y2K Coordinator:

New 10/11/99: Arabic & English
Saudi Arabia (http://www.sama.gov.sa/)
#24 Total World Exports
#1 Crude Oil  327Mt  19%

Ibrahim Al-Hurabi
SAMA & Banks Y2K Task Force Chairman
Tel. +966 1 466 2820
Fax. +966 1 466 2851

National Y2K Coordinator:

Saudi Arabia
Ali Bahaitham
Chief of Computer Department
Phone #: 212-697-4830
Fax #: 212-983-4895

South Africa
#32 Total World Exports
#3  Hard Coal  63Mt  12.8%
#18 Internet Hosts: 122

National Y2K Coordinator:

South Africa (http://www.y2k.org.za)
Mr. Tsietsi Maleho
Acting CEO
399 Duncan Street Hatfield, Pretoria
Phone #: 012-427-8225
Fax #: 012-427-8242

Sri Lanka
#20 Busiest Seaport

National Y2K Coordinator:

Sri Lanka (http://www/cintec.lk/y2k1.htm)
Secretary M/ST
320 T.B. Jayah Mawatha COLOMBO 10 SRI LANKA
Phone #: 941-699-272
Fax #: 941-693-752

#35 Total World Exports

National Y2K Coordinator:

#33 Total World Exports
#5 Crude Oil  100 Mt  5.8%
#10 Busiest Seaport

National Y2K Coordinator:

United Arab Emirates (http://www.gccy2k.com )
His Excellency Mr. Khalid Al-Boustani
Assistant Under Secretary

#6  Crude Oil  96 Mt  5.6%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Venezuela (http://www.oas.org/y2k/main.htm)
Hugo Castellanos
Y2K Coordinator
Parque Central Torre Este Piso 6 Red Platino Caracas VENEZUELA
Phone #: 58-2-576-3958, 582 576 9848
Fax #: 58-2-576-1418, 582 576 9848


Fourth-tier (66% Predictions of Infrastructure Failure)
Reference: Gartner U.S. Senate Testimony Year 2000 International State of Readiness







#9 Total World Exports: Hong Kong
#1 Busiest Seaport: Hong Kong
#24 Busiest Airport: Hong Kong (People)
#4 Busiest Airport: Hong Kong (Cargo)
#11 Teledensity: Hong Kong
#10 Total World Exports
#6  Hard Coal  31 Mt  6.3%
#11 Busiest Seaport: Shanghai, China
Enterprises: 8,612 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 99.9: PRC
#3, 24 (Top 25 Banks)

National Y2K Coordinator:

China (http://www.y2kasia.com)
Ms. Zhang, Qi
Phone #: 8610-68208212
Fax #: 8610-68271654

Costa Rica


El Salvador




#25 Total World Exports
#6  Natural Gas  35,724  Mm  6.7%
#4 Hard Coal  42 Mt  8.5%
#22 Busiest Seaport
Enterprises 1,030 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 97.0 (1993)

National Y2K Coordinator:

Indonesia (http://www.y2k.or.id)
Aizirman Djusan
Kantor Menko Wasbangpan Jln. Jenderal Sudirman No. 69 Jakarta, 12190 Indonesia
Phone #: 62-21-7398381 or 7398389 ext. 2037
Fax #: 62-21-5270948







#46 Total World Exports
#7  Crude Oil  85 Mt  4.9%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Muhammed Tukur Amed
Fax #: 234/9 523 3902


#37 Total World Exports
#28 Busiest Seaport
79:  Percent of SME's: 98.9 (1988)

National Y2K Coordinator:

Philippines (http://www.y2k.gov.ph)
Amable Aguiluz V
Ground Floor, National Security Council Bldg. Malacanang Park, Manila
Phone #: 564-6481
Fax #: 564-6484


#20 Total World Exports
#3 Crude Oil  126Mt  7.3%
#1 Natural Gas  196,474 Mm  36.6%
#9  Hard Coal  22 Mt  4.5%
#21 Internet Hosts: 108

National Y2K Coordinator:

Alexander Vladimirovich Volokitin
Phone #: (+7095) 928 6050
Fax #: 229 2276







Not Included on List:

#4 Natural Gas  43,459 Mm  8.1%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Algeria (http://www.y2k.net.dz)
Mohamed Bettaz
University of Constantine 25000 Institute of Computer Science
 Phone #: 213-492-3919
Fax #: 213-492-3919

Enterprises 4 Firms:  Percent of SME's: 90 +

National Y2K Coordinator:

Brunei (http://www.brunet.bn/gov/y2k/akhbar.htm)
Naoaim Salleh
First Secretary
866 UN Plaza Rm. 248 New York, NY 10017 USA
Phone #: 212-838-1600
Fax #: 212-980-6478

#4  Crude Oil  125Mt  7.3%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Dr. Mohammad Sepehry Rad
Head, High Council of Informatics
Plan and Budget Organization , Baharestan Sq Tehran, Iran
Phone #: 98-21-3114240 or 3114209
Fax #: 98-21-3114206 or3272473

#6 Teledensity
15:  Percent of SME's: 99.6

National Y2K Coordinator:

Luxembourg (http://www.etat.lu/)
To Be Announced.

690:  Percent of SME's: 99.9

National Y2K Coordinator:

Domingos Vilia
Y2K Coordinator
Av. Leite Vasconcelos, 2 Alfragide 2720 Amadora PORTUGAL
Phone #: 351-1-4723190
Fax #: 351-1-4723102

#7 Natural Gas  24,000 Mm  4.5%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Gurban Muradov
Phone #: 0099312 350474
Fax #: 0099312 392464

#10  Natural Gas  33,068 Mm  1.7%

National Y2K Coordinator:

Timurbek Usmanov
First Deputy of Chairman
Sulaimonova str., 29, Tashkent 700017, Uzbekistan
Phone #: 998 (71) 139 1247/ 139 1843
Fax #: 998 (71) 139 4040

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